Notes From a Community Manager

My goodness, I get it! This whole “growing your community” thing can feel a lot. Once you finally build and launch your community… it’s easy to dive in and serve them while putting your marking on the back burner.

Even at a 90% turn rate (which is awesome), you realize your pipeline is not full, and you need to find a way to attract more members.

It can feel like a bottomless pit...

You don't have to do this alone.

I am a community manager, but FIRST, I was a social media manager.

I get the work it takes to create and market a community.

This podcast style is very friends-having-coffee, yet I'm a teacher by trade, so I want you to LEARN, APPLY, and have fun.

So, if you're an entrepreneur running an online membership or growing a community online… I made this for you. Let's take some notes and get to work!

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